Things Can Only Get Better in 2021
Thursday 14 January. A slow start to the year as Wales and the UK have been in and out of lockdowns with restrictions on mixing at Christmas 2020 but we are keeping safe and staying well.
Eldest came to stay for Christmas with partner and we actually celebrated for the first time in 4 years as Ryan was given the news that he is still in remission since finishing his Cancer treatment in August 2020.
I have been doing an online Welsh course which I am enjoying and I also played Clarinet yesterday for the first time since October 2020. I hope one day we will be able to go back to band practice soon.
Thursday 4 February. Ryan is 6 months in remission.
Friday 5 February. Hubs and I travelled to Devon, UK for his step-mother's funeral. Only 6 of us were allowed. Socially distanced with masks. No singing or speeches. No wake. No hugs for comfort. What a truly awful day.
Then on Friday 19 February we get the news that LOCKDOWN has been extended for another 3 weeks. How much longer can this keep going on for?
Friday 2 April. Another gorgeous garden campfire cookout.
Lockdown 2021 - Garden Campfire Cookout
Cancer Doesn't End When Chemo Does!
Tuesday 6 April. ❄️SNOW DAY❄️
Care Homes in Wales have still not opened back up to visitors I am allowed to saw my mum but still behind glass so she couldn't see (as she is almost blind) or hear me but glad I got to see her at least. It is heart breaking enough to watch her fade away from Dementia but to not be able to sit with her and hold her hand hurts. It hurts so bad.
One of the biggest take aways from Cancer treatment I have found is that Cancer doesn't end when chemo does. Even though Ryan has finished treatment and has been in remission for over 6 months now, he is still so incredibly weak and tires easily. Although he has tried looking for work and had a trial day with a local Butcher shop he couldn't manage so we have decided that Volunteering will be best for him so that he can work on the days that he is well enough and able to.
Tuesday 20 April. Ryan started volunteering today at a Local Town Community Farm. He loves working with animals and managed to achieve a level 2 certification in Animal Care while still on Treatment and during lockdowns. He thoroughly enjoyed his first day although he is absolutely wiped out, exhausted by the day.
It Happened - We Are Allowed To Meet Again. LOCKDOWNS LIFTED!
Wednesday 12 May. I can't believe it. The Town Band are finally allowed to meet again for the first time in over a year. We had our practice at the local Rugby Club as we are not allowed back at the church yet. Oh my goodness it is so good to be back.
Tuesday 18 May. So this morning I went to work in my slippers. WTF! Am I becoming my mum already? I rang hubby who bought my shoes to work for me. What a star
Saturday 29 May. Yay we have finally painted the outside of our house after only 11 years since the crash and rebuild. I can't put into words the stunning difference it has made. Wow.
Tuesday 1 June. Ryan got a 'Volunteer of the Week' certificate from the farm today.
Monday 21 June. Mum has continued to deteriorate and the decision has been made to move her from her Care Home to a Nursing home where they can provide the nursing care that her current care home are unable to provide. She had to be moved to her new Home by private ambulance as there are still Covid restrictions in place and she has to be isolated there for 2 weeks too.
Friday 23 July. Finally allowed to see mum in her new home. I cried as we were allowed to hold her hand for the first time in 18 months even though we had to wear full PPE.
Thursday 5 August. Ryan 1 year in Remission.
Tuesday 16 November. I have been allowed to borrow the band's Bass Clarinet to try out. It is fab fun to try something new.
Monday 6 December. We have decorated the house for Christmas and feel like celebrating after such a crazy few years of Cancer Treatment and then Covid craziness.
Well That Didn't Last Long - COVID Stikes Again...
Well that turned so quickly into a pretty shit end to the year. On Tuesday 14 December, Mojo our Jack Russell Terrier woke with a red eye, as in a bleed behind or in the eye. I telephoned the vet immediately and got an appointment. The vet said the eye needed to come out asap. I wanted a second opinion so Ryan and I drove 85 miles to the Veterinary Eye Hospital in Leominster on Thursday 16 December who confirmed Mojo had suffered a sudden detached retina and yes they eye need to be removed urgently so he had that surgery today and now we have a 'One-eyed Wonder Dog', Pirate Mojo.
Monday 27 December. Okay to top off an even shittier end to the year yesterday I woke up feeling really rough. I thought maybe I had over done the Christmas festivities but didn't get any better as the day went on so did a Covid test and it was Positive. WTaF. I had it confirmed today at a testing centre and need to be quarantined for 10 days now. FFS.
Wednesday 29 December. I have never felt so ill. I genuinely cannot breathe. This is beyond scary and painful. I haven't slept for 3 nights. I can’t do this. I rang the NHS helpline desperately trying to get some help. A doctor has prescribed some strong pain medication to knock me out to try and sleep it off.
Mojo the one-eyed wonder dog.