Sustainability Pledge

Hooked on yarn and stitching up a slow fashion revolution.  


To combat the growing issue of the fast fashion industry that has devastating working conditions and environmental impacts. 


I am on a mission to make Slow Fashion fashionable and affordable by using sustainable materials and natural fibres, for a long-term approach to reducing waste with thoughtful purchases and eco-conscious gift giving.  

At Sarah Lou Crafts I am able to offer competitive prices by buying bulk yarns and material wholesale and by having low overheads with no production factory, workers or retail outlets. 


The majority of my customers are women who are eco-conscious and looking for quality handmade garments and timeless capsule wardrobe attire. However all of my items are gender neutral and fit a range of sizes from children to adults.  


I sell online at and am looking for wholesale opportunities as stockists in bricks & mortar gift shops plus networking for increased exposure online. 

Additional Facts.

According to an estimated 92 million tonnes of textile waste is produced every year. The textile industry produces 10% of global carbon emissions. Working conditions are dangerous and inhumane as sales and profits supersede human welfare. 

The slow fashion movement is working to change buyer mindsets and educate on the impacts of the fashion industry. We advocate for manufacturing that respects people, wildlife and the environment. 

My garments are made to last and are timeless designs that compliment capsule wardrobes so you buy and waste less. I encourage items to be passed on if no longer wanted either sold second-hand or donated to charity retail shops to be repurchased and reused. 

I use sustainable materials such as British wool, recycled polyester, eco cotton and cork fabrics plus FSC approved paper. 

All my packing is re-used & recycled cardboard, unbleached recyclable tissue paper and paper tape. Although I reuse packaging, this in no way reflects the quality of your lovingly handmade purchase that I carefully wrap in biodegradable tissue paper. I hope that you don't mind but if you do, please put a note with your order and I will use new boxes when requested. 

I am also going to start buying thrifted jumpers, blankets & other garments from charity shops to unravel and rewind into new skeins of yarn to reuse the yarn for making new slow fashion items. 

I am also researching how I can offer a buy-back scheme to be able to repurpose yarns for other projects. 

Green Skills for Small Business

In November 2023 I completed a 6 week training programme run by Small Business Britain and Oxford Brookes Business School learning how to develop and implement sustainability into my business.

The six modules covered the following areas. 

Week 1 – Sustainability Basics and aligning business with the Sustainable Development Goals

Week 2 - Sustainable Marketing and Sharing your Story

Week 3 – Measurement

Week 4 - Green communities and the Power of Working Together

Week 5 – Financing your sustainability Journey

Week 6 – Accreditations and Certifications

Sustainability Action Plan Training

Tuesday 26 March 2024 - by Small Business Britain and

Working to achieve a net positive business. To improve the well-being for everyone that I interact with and at all scales. To solve problems, not create them. To operate for the long-term benefit of people and planet. 

I completed an Impact Assessment and here are my results for making my business more sustainable.  

Are you sourcing renewable energy for your business operations?

No, I don't use 100% renewable energy sources yet.

Are you working to lower your carbon footprint?

I'm actively working to reduce my personal and small business carbon footprint.

Do you keep track of and control the amount of water you use?

I actively measure and I'm taking actions to use less. 

Are you doing things to help nature, like bringing back natural areas or making homes for wildlife?

Yes, I'm actively working on projects to support and regenerate nature.

Are you taking steps to use less, waste less, and reuse more in your operations?

Kind of, I've begun to make changes but still have a way to go.

How do you support your mental well-being and prevent burnout?

I've begun adopting practices for mental health, acknowledging the need for further improvement.

How do you support your own career growth and learning in your business?

I occasionally explore new skills and knowledge relevant to my field.

How does your business help the local community and support impactful causes?

I occasionally support the community and environmental causes.

How do you make sure your marketing is honest and not misleading?

I'm trying to be clearer and more specific in my communications but still have room for improvement. I ensure all my claims are backed by facts and certification.

Do you make it a priority to buy from companies that are good for society and the environment?

Yes, I specifically choose to buy from businesses that benefit society and the environment. 

Do you check if your bank invests in green initiatives and avoids funding fossil fuels?

I haven't investigated whether our bank invests in green initiatives or fossil fuels and will do some further research. 

Carbon Cutting 101

Following on from the Impact Assessment training, I took part in a Carbon Cutting 101 webinar on Thursday 25 April 2024 and I have been working on researching my carbon impact. 

I work from my home studio aka conservatory so have a dedicated space for my crafts and small business. Here is how I run Sarah Lou Crafts. The highlighted words in GOLD below are links to the company’s sustainability pages and reports. 

My laptop and mobile phone are both hand-me-down devices from family members and I use a large solar panel to charge them both when the British weather allows me to. 

I use UK suppliers for the materials used in my handmade sustainable eco-conscious gifts. I make it a priority to buy from companies that are good for society and the environment. I specifically choose to buy from businesses that benefit society and the environment. 

I am still working on reading through all of these reports and researching if there are better options for me to use instead. Sustainability is an ongoing process that needs constant attention and updates. 

Imperfect action beats perfect inaction every time. Done is better than perfect and a year from now you will be glad that you started.